What We Do

What We Do


We believe that every child has a right to an education which is the catalyst for a real and lasting change in Africa. We promote equal access to quality education for all children – from early learning to secondary education. We work with children, their families, communities, wider society and governments, and advocate at both local and international levels, so that all children are able to get an education.
By donating $35 per term / semester to sponsor a child you are helping to solve the education crisis in Uganda

IMKA Community Development Organization Uganda partners with over 5 schools in Uganda to provide educational opportunities and build capacity. Through supporting the children, schools, and communities that we work with, we provide them with the skills and tools for sustainable community development.

HIV/AIDS Awareness

Due to the increase and impact of HIV/AIDS scourge in Uganda, IMKACDO realized the critical need to start a program to support sponsored children’s guardians who are infected and affected with HIV/AIDS. In 2019 these guardians were mobilized to form an association,

By donating Euros 100 you can help a family affected and infected with HIV/AIDS start a viable income Generation Project.

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)

The current evidenced based WASH activities of IMKACDO are carried out at one of the partner schools in Bamunanika village. At the school, hygiene education and practical skills are being conducted. These WASH activities are still on small scale

Human rights and good governance

IMKACDO supports over 50 pupils/students in schools annually, as a right to education. However, this program component has not yet attained its holistic approach of total observance, protection and promotion of the rights of children.

Evangelism and Discipleship

In IMKACDO, the primary aim is to let her beneficiaries realize the love of God for them. Through evangelism and discipleship IMKACDO reaches out to all kinds of people bringing them closer to Jesus Christ.

Child,youth and family Skills Development

One of IMKACDO’s core program is Child and Family Development that focuses on the skills development of the vulnerable children and their families.

We train and encourage children and families to take part in activities and skills that will help them in the future.
By doing so, children and families learn how to weave traditional baskets, lay bricks, weave mats, bake cakes, make beads and bungles and many others
Donating $30 per month to our Child and Family Development Program you are helping to facilitate skills personnel who help our children and youth throughout their learning process.

Mattresses And Mosquito Nets.

 We help provide mosquito  nets  and mosquito soap repellents which offers protection against mosquitoes and often up to three children can sleep under one net and a whole family cam use one bar of soap thus reducing the risk of malaria.

Clean Water Project.

In Uganda, a child dies from waterborne diseases each minute thats why we advocate for free and safe water for every child.In doing so,We work with communities, Civil Society Organizations, Private Sector and Government (County Governments and the National Government) to ensure better health for communities therefore your support provides assured access to clean & safe drinking water